Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

LURI Ltd and its’ group companies Greentech Distribution Plc, Avinity Ltd, and KTM Online Ltd (LURI Ltd), trade globally but primarily with well-established markets, traders, businesses & consumers throughout the UK, Europe, the Middle East, Far East & the USA.
It is the objective of LURI Ltd to ensure that our process of engagement with new & existing suppliers maintains compliance with Anti-Slavery legislation of the day.
LURI Ltd conducts business in line with UK law & internationally accepted codes of practice.
Under NO circumstances will LURI Ltd or its group employees conduct business where any form of forced labour environments might exist.
LURI Ltd operates a number of internal policies to ensure that business is conducted in an ethical and transparent manner, including the assessment of its customers & suppliers via formal audits, snap visits & questionnaires to ascertain & confirm that no ill-treatment or enslavement of personnel or their suppliers exists.
Due diligence processes
  1. We operate strict procurement processes, ensuring suppliers comply with all applicable laws and standards, including those which relate to the Modern Slavery Act
  2. We expect our suppliers to have suitable anti-slavery and human trafficking policies and processes in place within their own businesses and to cascade those policies to their own suppliers
  3. We have an ongoing analysis of assurance information from existing suppliers and partners and these are followed up where relevant or possible
  4. We expect LURI Ltd’s personnel who are directly involved with the procurement process of the products to follow the advice and guidance in relation to the Modern Slavery Act set out in the due diligence process
  5. We have added a specific item relating to the Modern Slavery Act to the agenda of the management meetings with suppliers enabling us to be kept informed of any changes
  6. We include appropriate terms in our contractual documentation, obliging suppliers and contractors to comply with the Modern Slavery Act and reserving the right for LURI Ltd to audit suppliers and contractors, where we consider it appropriate
  7. We encourage staff to identify and report any potential breaches of LURI Ltd’s anti-slavery policy statement
  8. Whistle blowers are protected through our confidential reporting process
The above procedures are designed to:
  1. Reduce the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our business and supply chains
  2. Identify and assess potential risk areas in our business and supply chains
  3. Monitor potential risk areas in our business and supply chains
  4. Provide adequate protection for whistle blowers
Note - If you hold information that could lead to the identification, discovery and recovery of victims in the UK, you can contact the Modern Slavery Helpline on 08000 121700
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes LURI Ltd’s slavery and human trafficking statement at the time of the publication of the Ethics Policy of which this is a sub set policy and has been approved by the Board of Directors.
1st March 2024
Richard Crawley